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Points Redemption

Reward yourself with a rich spectrum of travel, luxury and lifestyle that satiates the soul even as it indulges the senses. Redeem your points for memorable vacations, rejuvenating spa treatments, gourmet delights and lots more. Choose from a range of online redemptions options like rooms, Taj Holidays and Taj Experiences Gift Cards, by logging in to your membership account. Conveniently redeem your points in real time for your restaurants and spa spends or for incidentals like laundry and telephone charges during your stay, by presenting your membership card. With simplified points redemption values and no blackout dates for room redemptions, experiencing the value of your rewards is easy and quick. Go ahead and pamper yourself to truly rewarding experiences, with your points.

Online Redemption



Login to your account to redeem your points for room stays at 1TIC Point = INR 1



Taj Holidays; minimum 2 night stay


Gift Cards

Redeem your points for a Taj Experiences e-Gift Card at 1 TIC Point = INR 1


Partner Certificates

Redeem your points for partner reward

Redeem at Hotel